Jewish Lights: Aleph-Bet Yoga: Embodying the Hebrew Letters for Physical and Spiritual Well-Being


In the case of, that’s Elohim, the name of God that shows up in the very first verse. The Hebrew alphabet is not simply a collection of abstract linguistic elements, like the English alphabet is. All Hebrew letters have names and identities, and in post-Biblical times were even rendered numerical value. Aleph is the only silent letter of the 22 consonants – it represents the unrevealed, infinite spiritual. The 22 consonant letters of the Hebrew language are said to be the basic creative/energy structures that give rise to the manifest world.

Lammed, the 12th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the symbol of learning. It is translated literally as the word for learning and also staff or goad. It is located at the center of the aleph-beith and represents the heart Lev לב; in kabbalah learning is mostly done with the heart and soul, not just the mind. The Lammed indicates that spiritual learning is the heart of human existence. Man’s course in life is to learn and express spiritual teachings and practice with every breath of life. That blood is the symbol of sexual transmutation, the fire that rises in the spinal medulla.

Hebrew Teacher

The first letter of the Hebrew XRP alphabet is called Alef. In Hebrew this name is written אל”ף and the apostrophes are there to mark it is not a word but a letter’s name. Here it how the letter itself is written in Modern Hebrew. I have been thinking a lot about what the topic of the first post should be.


If you turn to Psalm 119 in your Bible you will notice that there is a strange word every 8 verses. These “strange” words are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. David wrote this chapter in an acrostic pattern and every letter of the alphabet is followed by 8 verses. I thought it would be fun to study Psalm 119 by summarizing each alphabetic section in an acrostic format.

Nuun Meaning – 14th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

Both Arabic and Hebrew have these two Ah sounds, the Ah that goes out and the Ah that stays in the throat. For instance you find these two Ah sounds in that name of an airline called El Al. El Al means “the High God.” Al written with Ayin means high.


This victory wasn’t just ETH improbable, it was impossible. The destruction of Pharaoh’s army at the sea was the greatest, most overt example of G-d’s involvement in human affairs. The war against the Philistines, by contrast, contained no overt miracle at all, it was just a case of friendly fire that got out of control. But in using these words to describe the victory – vayosha Hashem ba’yom hahu et Yisrael – the text of the Book of Samuel is making very clear the way it wants you to see the victory. If Saul looks at the situation with a clear head he actually loses nothing by waiting for Samuel.

For, you see, all I know by aleph spiritual meaning is the Hebrew alphabet. In Jewish mythology, it was the letter aleph that was carved into the head of the golem that ultimately gave it life. In Arabic and Hebrew there are many sounds, like the sounds of the letter Aleph and Ayin.

It is the reason we thrive rather than just survive. It is our Force and our Superpower, and that is precisely why we need to champion it above anything else. Not only that, but it has also helped me to better frame in my head one of the most interesting discussions of our time. For several years now, I have been following quite closely the series of conversations and debates between Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson about the idea of God. You can also find the words free of charge on biblehub dot com.

א Aleph

Aleph speaks about strength, power, authority, leadership. Our Abba Who is in heaven is working on your behalf. The Holy Spirit Who is your Advocate helps you and is with you forever. Yeshua Who died for all us, cleansed you, made you holy and right with God.

Why the Torah begins with a Bet instead of Aleph, and the one time … – The Jewish News of Northern California

Why the Torah begins with a Bet instead of Aleph, and the one time ….

Posted: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In Mongolia, you find those throat singers who control the cattle with their songs. The Jewish mystics believe that all of creation is formed and sustained by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; and each letter of the alphabet has its own value, meaning and even personality. There are Jewish stories of the letters themselves conversing and even arguing with God. And for thousands of years, the Jewish people have been using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in order to help them pray humbly before God, as we see in our psalm this morning. בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואט הארץ and I agree that את must be more than a marker. I think that את, the first and last letter of the ALPHABET represent just that.

From this, you can sense and experience the infinite possibilities to use that verb according to the Hebrew letter code, if you are familiar with it. The Tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as Tav is the final letter of בראשית Beresheet, “In the Beginning”, the first word of the Torah/Bible. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in order to reach a final state of perfection, the fulfillment of all of creation. The Tsadde represents the Tsaddik, the person who is just, as well as the righteousness of the Creator. The Tzaddik strives to be true, loving justice and fairness, straight and fully honest with their conscience. The idea is that the world is broken so every person must face their own evil and learn to restore it.

There is something very “Schrödingerian” about the nature of the letter Alef. When it is all by itself, without any vowel indicator or another letter, there is no way of telling how to pronounce it. It can be read as A, E, I, O or U, and next to other letters it can also serve a silent vowel indicator. So basically, it is both something and nothing at the same time, and it must rely on other elements of writing for it to have sound or some kind of phonetic value. Thankfully we had a Hebrew scholar – we studied with him three-consonant Biblical root words that contained the essence of the words’ meaning.

What Aleph sounds like?

א Aleph: makes the ‘a’ sound, makes the glottal stop (') or simply indicates the word starts with a vowel. בּ ב Bet: makes the ‘b’ sound. When there is no dot, it makes the ‘v’ sound.

It is the aleph spiritual meaning of both the sacred Kedushah קדושה, and the profane – the Klipah קליפה, the peel, cover, or husk which represents the negativities in the world. Khof has to do with the requirement of removing the husk of the superficial to reveal the holiness within. Samekh is the symbol of support, protection, and memory. The perimeter of Samekh denotes the Creator and its interior denotes his creation, who he constantly supports and upholds and protects. It represents the Orr Makif Surrounding Light of Kabbalah, indicating the general providence of the Creator, surrounding and sustaining all of existence, even as we perceive ourselves as separate. The Ghimel also represents reward and punishment.

  • The letter Aleph is one of the most important and noteworthy letters in the Hebrew alphabet for a number of reasons, some spiritual and some practical.
  • In the case of aleph, that’s Elohim, the name of God that shows up in the very first verse.
  • The closest thing we have to the original now is a Greek translation of the work, and if you aren’t fluent in Greek you’re forced to rely on English translations of that Greek translation.
  • Whether or not they also knew the ancient relation to the concept of force is a different question.
  • It contains the principle that nothing is lost, nothing is wasted, and all is eternal.
  • Mem also represents the time necessary for ripening and indicates to us the importance of balanced emotions and of humility.

But we’re going to look at it kind of like a diary of the events from those who lived through them. Think of what it meant for the Maccabees to notice, to make a big deal out of something so…small. They’d have to realize, day after day, that as they went to light the candles, they still hadn’t gone out.

It represents the 7th day of Shabbat , the day of rest and spirituality, which completes the process of the 6 days of creation. It includes the six days and six directions of physical reality, but also stands as a unique 7th principle or energy, the spirit which activates the physical. It is an impregnating principle, which activates the creation.

What aleph sounds like?

א Aleph: makes the ‘a’ sound, makes the glottal stop (') or simply indicates the word starts with a vowel. בּ ב Bet: makes the ‘b’ sound. When there is no dot, it makes the ‘v’ sound.

Moreover, even the victory against Antiochus, while it was a brief bright shining spot in Jewish history, became much more clouded and the ensuing generations of the descendants of the Maccabees. The victory was as much against them as against anyone else. It’s all very shiny and wonderful; almost as shiny and wonderful as the presents that we unwrap and the lights that glow in our homes. But the actual history was not so shiny and wonderful. We were free and independent in our own land, but then the Greeks invaded; they threatened our values, prohibited circumcision, Torah study, tried to Hellenize us. This small band of Maccabees rose up against them and miraculously overthrew the most powerful army in the world.

A large number may be expressed by multiplying a base number by itself. For example, forty-nine could be expressed as 7 x 7. Seven means “strife/sword”; therefore, 49 indicates seven times more trouble than seven. If many references indicate the same or similar meanings, we can then be reasonably assured that a true interpretation has been established. This is the lesson of the burning bush all over again! The Maccabees achieve an impossible victory, and they ask, “Madua lo yivar hasneh?” How did this happen?

Elul Meditation: Return to Yourself –

Elul Meditation: Return to Yourself.

Posted: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 04:02:37 GMT [source]

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